Erasmus Plus
Connect Abruzzo is taking a leading role in developing people skills, enterprise and employability skills through Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 Actions.
I Can Manage My Money: financial skills are crucial for inclusion and active participation in society. A project to support financial skills development for all. MORE soon
Partnership: Germany, Austria, Italy
AVED: the objective of the project is to support SMEs and craftsmen to in enhancing their digital skills, equipping them to tackle global market challenges with modern tools and cutting-edge digital strategies. The partnership is working on micro-credentials to provide them with up to date knowledge, skills and competences for better digital work.
Partnership: Ireland, Spain, Italy
Inspire: A project to build capacity of 3 EU organisations to enhance integration practices for migrants and refugees in our local communities. Exchange of good practices, innovative pathways, didactic games and local events for more inclusive and open local societies. A project inspired in the E+ best practice "Momentum". MORE soon
Partnership: Belgium, Italy, Finland
Upskilling Rural: A new innovative project to foster the development and innovation of rural areas by strengthening young people's sense of initiative through youth and social entrepreneurship. The project wants to create more innovative rural communities with more employment options for the young people and general population. Become a Rural Manager, a tour operator for rural areas! MORE
Partnership: Poland, Italy, Turkey, Austria, Spain
Smarte Digitale Senioren: An exchange of good practice project to identify tools and practices useful for senior citizens to approach the digitalised world. Providing digital guidance to senior citizens to make their daily life more easy and smart and thus be more active and included in their societies. MORE
Partnership: Lichtenstein, Italy, Austria, Germany, Belgium
Ecoart: promote the civic action of young people towards the environment is more important than ever. With the Ecoart process we want to guide young people to raise awareness on the green agenda and climate change through the use of storytelling, digital and social media. MORE .
Partnership: Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Turkey, Italy.
Smart Working: an exchange of Good Practice to develop new and innovative patways in digital with a focus on Smart Working and its challenges. The project wants to provide a platform for exchange of best practices in Smart Working with the objective of training 25 people withing the third sector. MORE . Partnership: Italy, Austria, Romania, UK.
WiWi: project directed to teach and explain in a simple, innovative and creative way the basic principles of finance in order to better manage our daily life. Many Europeans struggle with basic financial literacy, this is why with WiWi we have developed innovative and interactive didactic materials and tools that use a simple and clear language accessible to everybody, including people with low literacy skills. MORE.
Partnership: Lichtenstein, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Italy
Media Smarts: the world is more and more influenced by digital and media, this is why is important to provide young people and youth workers with the tools to use them in the most effective way for their personal and professional life. The project is creating a learning pathway in digital and media that will create young people and youth workers that are media and digital ready. MORE.
Partnership: France, Italy, Spain, Estonia, Turkey, Greece.
Work 4.0: the pandemic radically changed the way we work. The project wants to explore through an exchange of good practice the new practices, techniques and tools developed to be used in smart, hybrid and home working to empower local SME. MORE. Partnership: Italy, Germany, Austria.
CreatiVET: creative thinking is one of the principal soft-skills job hunters search for today. The project want to provide trainers with the tools necessary to help young people develop creative thinking making them able to apply it in their future jobs. MORE.
Partnership: Romania, Germany, Cyprus, Italy, Turkey
Young Migrant Entrepeneurs: YME - Entrepreneurship among migrants must be seen as a new arena for social, economic and political action. The Young Migrant Entrepreneurs (YME) project will focus on providing entrepreneurial support for strengthening the skills of young workers and migrants. MORE
Partnership: Romania, Italy, Holland, Scotland and Turkey
Diversity Youth Manager: a project directed at the reinforcement of digital competences with special consideration to young people in disadvantaged conditions in order to provide them with the tools and skills to allow them to be more employable and active in the society. MORE.
Partnership: UK, Italy, Spain, Romania
Momentum: the project "Momentum: Learning for Inclusion" has the objective of promoting the inclusion of migrantes, refugees asylum seekers and people in precarious life situations (e.g. threat of poverty) by giving improving the skillset of educators in the adult sector. MORE.
Partnership: Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium.
Causeland: the project "Causeland: Get to know the NGO sector" has the objective of promoting, especially among young people, the NGO sector and help develop through innovative materials (including didactic games) the skillset of professionals and future operators of the NGO sector. MORE .
Partnership: Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Iceland
CreativeArts: Arts are a great tool for inclusion and development of soft-skills, with CreativeArts we want to give added value to diversity to create a more open, inclusive and intercultural society. MORE.
Partnership: UK, Italy, Romania, Greece
Unlock: art as tool for social inclusion. The project Unlock continues the successful pathway of the Museum Mediator with more focus on social inclusion. The project has developed tools directed to make the heritage and cultural experience more inclusive for all audiences and so promote the European heritage with a wider public. MORE .
Partnership: Romania, Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, Austria.
Disability Youth Worker (DYW): A new professional support figure is born, defined by the European Union, to work with disabled young people. The project teaches children with disabilities to spend their free time in an active way and give them opportunity to aquire skills that give them competitiveness in the labour market and trying to prevent them from social exclusion. MORE
Partnership: Poland, Italy and Spain.
LEARN-FIND-TELL-ACT (LFTA): the project aims to foster social inclusion and active citizenship of young people, promoting the right understanding of the phenomenon of migration. The project encourages critical thinking as opposed to generic statements without any foundation. MORE
Partnership: United Kingdom, Italy, Lithuania, Turkey, Romania and Greece
BackToRoots - The project aims to find innovative solutions to create development in rural areas and train tourism operators. It want to link together realities experiencing similar issues to cooperate and support each other, having a clear idea of the needs of the communities and creating sustainable activities for the entire area. MORE
Partnership: Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden and Portugal
Employability Entrepreneurship and Recovery (EEAR) : is a project focused on reducing poverty. The project aims to solve this problem, in particular by sharing the good practices already developed by the partner countries. Social inclusion is promoted in this project. Inclusion in vocational training and work is supported.
Partnership: Scotland, Italy, Sweden and The Netherlands.
Work Based- Tourism, Art and Culture (WB-TAC): exchange of good practice where turning tourism, art and culture into empowering tools MORE
Partnership: Italy, Spain, Romania, UK
Vlogger - Enter the world of communication and business with the opportunity to travel abroad thanks to Erasmus + and the option to do a work placement in Italy. MORE
Partnership: Italy, Spain, UK
VTEC - Professional training and 2 month work experience in industry for UK participants with Connect Abruzzo as receiving agency matching participants needs with industrial requirements for an effective experience for all parties involved MORE
Children's Mission! - Europe wide project bringing culture and education of children closer together with Il Girotondo of Lanciano MORE
ALJARAFE EN EUROPA - Placements and professional training of Spanish participants who worked for 4 months in the area around Lanciano , Central Italy managed by Connect Abruzzo MORE
BBCCC - Professional training and 2 month work experience in industry for UK participants with Connect Abruzzo as receiving agency matching participants needs with industrial requirements for an effective experience for all parties involved MORE
SSaNeProMM - Art – Artisan – Culture Course, “Applied Methods of Cultural Communication lead by the Complexul Muzeal Național Moldova of Iasi, the biggest museum complex in Romania. The project creates a training path at European level for entrepreneurship in the cultural sector through the training of Museum Mediators at European level. MORE
Partnership: Italy, Spain, Romania, Germany and Greece.
Museum Mediator - Learn the skills of museum mediator, who is a professional figure who has tourist, linguistic and cultural skills. Through him art becomes tourism. MORE
Partnership: Italy, UK, Spain
ACTO - Professional Training with placement abroad to prepare Italian participants for a career as Museum Mediator here art becomes tourism
DEEM - Europe wide partnership researching into best practices for professional training in employability with Connect Abruzzo as Partner MORE
Fit 4 Europe - Placements in the sports industry for UK citizens to encourage commercialising and sharing of ideas of sport for the younger generation.
Advantage Abruzzo 4 Education - 4 month placement and professional training for UK citizens organised and executed by Connect Abruzzo. 3 flows of 30 participants worked in the Lanciano , Central Italy area funded by the Leonardo DV program MORE
Regional Funding - professional training organised and executed by Connect Abruzzo in Italy for Italians followed by a 4 month placement in the UK or Spain MORE
Mobilidad de las Personas por motivos deaprendizaje - A collaboration between local Lanciano industry and politicians with politicians from Seville , Spain to encourage an exchange of ideas and contacts hosted and organised by Connect Abruzzo MORE
Improving Employability through Team Work
Intrapreneurship and digital competences
Connect Abruzzo has been hosting and working with LLP Program(Leonardo, Grundtvig and Mobility) since 2004 and has developed a Europe wide network of Partners happy to do business with central Italy. On Mobility projects matching the right participant to the right job is the key to our success. Mentoring is an important factor for the general well-being of groups. We strongly believe in empowering people to make them succeed on their path. Our organization has received recognition from 'We mean business' for the work done on different projects.
Participants learn important soft skills like;
- living and communicating with people
- language and cultural skills
- perseverance and determination to succeed
- relevant work experience
- multicultural empathy
- marketing themselves for a new career
Wherever you are in Europe and wherever you want to be in Europe
Participants welcomed by the Mayor of Lanciano on local TV
Short film explaining what you get from your placement.
The view point from participants after their 2 months in Italy